Friday, December 16, 2011

My boys

Lucas is 3. THREE!!!!

We had so much fun at his birthday party. We being everyone but Eli. As it turns out, he is not such a big fan o f crowds. He is, however, a big fan of cupcakes as you can see.

Dear Lucas,

I can't believe you are three. You are getting so big so fast. I am so proud of the little boy that you are becoming, and Eli could not ask for a better big brother. I told you that you are Eli's "hero" and that means he wants to be just like you. You told me "Mommy, you are my hero" and made me cry. You are so proud of your little brother Eli, and I know you two are going to be best buddies and drive your mother nuts. You are such a smart, caring and wonderful three year old and you are getting more fun each and every day. I love you so much Lucas, Happy 3rd Birthday!

P.S. Lucas don't worry, we will conquer this potty thing together. I know you can do it!

- Mom

Eli's first birthday party was a little more subdued. Chicken Mushroom Rigatoni, Teddy Bear Cupcakes and presents. He was in a much better mood for his own party, and we had a nice relaxing time. He remembered from Lucas' party that he likes cupcakes, and that's pretty much all he ate for supper. Only allowed on your birthday. Pulling off two birthday parties before Christmas is going to be difficult every year!

Dear Eli,

My littlest guy is not so little anymore. Eli, my favourite thing is when I come to get you out of your crib in the morning and you give me the biggest hug and nestle your head right into my shoulder. You don't hug anyone else like that. Just Mom. You just learned to give kisses, shake your head no and wave goodbye. No walking yet, but please don't hurry! You love your brother Lucas so much, and are off like a rocket to his room when I ask you where he is and to go wake him up for the day. Every time I look at you with your sweet brown eyes I melt just a little. You are my sweet little boy, please never change or get big! Happy 1st Birthday Eli, we love you so much.

- Mom

Christmas baking 2011

It's coming. And I'm not ready. Not by a long shot. Gifts to wrap, goodies to bake, last minute shopping to do. House to clean, and on and on and on.

Whoever planned for my two boys to have their birthdays in the weeks before Christmas wasn't thinking. How inconsiderate for them both to have birthdays so late in the year and put me behind my Christmas schedule.

My Christmas baking list for this year:

1) Butter Tart Bars - they were such a hit last year that they were gone well before Christmas and I had to make another batch

2) Salted Caramel Buttercrumb Bars - Shortbread + salted caramel = heaven.

3) Samoa bark - this one was tricky and I would do a few things differently if I made it again, but still delicious

4) Peanut Butter Marshmallow Squares - so easy and so good.

5) Peanut Butter Cup Cookies - a peanut butter cup wrapped in a peanut butter cookie. Can't go wrong.

6) Peppermint Brownies - another Christmas staple (the recipe for this one actually came from a there is no link...sorry)

7) Homemade Oreos - I know these aren't very "Christmasy" but who cares

8) Rolo Pretzel Bites - Easy!

I am about 3/4 done. Just the brownies and buttertart bars left to go. I really don't think I am going to get around to baking sugar cookies this year. Which is too bad because they are my favourite. They are just so time consuming.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Just a quick note:

I am currently sitting in Starbucks at the West Edmonton Mall sipping coffee, listening to Christmas carols and reading Ellen's new book and really, really enjoying this time to myself (I am here for work this week mostly.....and also to shop....obviously.). I just looked out the window and saw a Mama snuggling a still sleepy 1 year old and really, really miss my boys.

Story of my life: I want both. I want to be with my kids every second of the day because I don't want to miss a thing and I love them in an indescribable way. I want to go to work and love and appreciate my job every single day. I want to cherish this time to myself as it is few and far between, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

It is impossible to do all of these things at once, but I think I'm close!!

More posts to come.....