Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I am my mother.

Yesterday one of my co-workers asked me how I keep my house in order while working full time. Ha ha ha house in humorous.

For some reason I can only get into 'the zone' to clean my house and get organized at night. Last night I conquered the kitchen at least. I was up late cleaning and going through my pile of papers when I realized: I AM MY MOM.

Growing up, I always remember hearing my mom puttering around in the kitchen late at night. It was comforting knowing she was out there, still awake, keeping all the monsters and bad guys at bay. I guess we are both night owls. Sometimes I will get an email from her and the time reads something ridiculous like 2 am. My guess is that she is up late worrying about her kids. Do the worries just compound on each other with the more kids you have??

My mom and I share a hobby of collecting recipes and never actually making them. Hers are nicely organized in binders and photo albums in her kitchen, mine are websites bookmarked in my internet browser. She promised me that I could have all of her recipes when she dies. Goody.

I can only hope that someday my house will be in showroom condition at all times like my Mom's and I will be able to pull off cooking dinner for 20 without even blinking an eye.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Not a Millionaire Yet

Unfortunately I didn't win the LottoMax jackpot on Friday night so I had to work as planned this weekend.

I despise working weekends.

I never thought about this when I applied to get in to pharmacy. I mean I KNEW that pharmacies are open on weekends and past 5 pm, but I shrugged it off as no big deal. And the hours at my job are pretty good compared to a lot of other pharmacies, which is I guess one of the reasons I am there. Now that I have Lucas (and probably because it's summertime!) it seems like such a waste of valuable time being at work while my family is at home without me.

There have been a lot of changes at my job since I have come back from being on maternity leave with Lucas, and I am struggling to think of something positive that has come as a result. I have learned a lot about myself and what kind of work environment I enjoy this year, and what I need to be happy and fulfilled in my job. There you go, something positive to take from this year, that this has been a learning experience for me. I would feel a lot better about leaving my family at home if I was going to work feeling like I am advancing myself in some way or making a difference for our patients. I used to feel like this at work for the most part, and now that feeling is just gone. My general demeanor at my job has changed, and I feel like I am not providing the best care for our patients as a result. I am really bothered by the fact that I haven't been able to rise above all of these changes and challenges, and just do my job in the same manner that I was able to do before. At least going on maternity leave for baby #2, I can take consolation in the fact that when I go back to work, everything will have changed again, hopefully for the better this time.

Lucas missed his mom this weekend. After work yesterday I had made plans to have dinner with one of my very best friends who I haven't seen in a long time. We needed a good catch-up and it is so hard to squeeze it in with both of us being so busy. When I left the house last night, Lucas was at the screen door, crying his little heart out. I could just imagine what he was thinking. "Mom you have been gone all weekend and now you are leaving again?!?!? But I miss you and I just want to cuddle and play, why do you have to go again???" His sad little face looking out the door just broke my heart.

I told my Mom what happened on the phone when I got home from dinner, and she said that she was on Lucas' side. Huge surprise Mom!!! I am on Lucas' side too. He can blame any emotional problems he suffers in life on his mom leaving him crying at the screen door when he was little.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Too hot to bake

Notice how I haven't made any cupcakes lately? Or anything in the oven for that matter.....

OK I admit I was a little burnt out from making almost 200 mini cupcakes for my cousin's wedding. Not that I regret making them AT ALL, just that can you blame me for not wanting to see another cupcake for a little while?

I feel GUILTY that I have been neglecting my new hobby, and that I haven't tried anything new or exciting lately. My list of new ones I want to try: Cinnamon Toast, Lemon Drop and Chai Tea. Mmmmmmm. Not sure when I am going to get around to doing those, this baby in my belly seems to be taking a lot of my energy, and the one that is up and running around seems to be taking a lot of my time. He's not much of a baby anymore I suppose. Sniff, sniff.....tear, tear....

I have been reading a lot of recipe blogs and websites lately and I want to make everything. I feel like Terry and I cook the same 25 things for supper all the time and I need some new tried and true recipes to add to our rotation. Suggestions welcome!!!

Some of these baking/cooking blogs I have been reading are absolutely amazing. They must blog for a living, because seriously when does a normal person have time to not only bake something amazing once a week, but take pictures of the process and write about it in an interesting way. See my blog list on the side for the ones I subscribe to.

Not only do I want to try new recipes, but I want to have an ARSENAL of amazing baking recipes at my disposal. I don't just want to make blueberry muffins, I want them to be THE BEST *&#*$ BLUEBERRY MUFFINS YOU HAVE EVER TASTED. You can't just search "best blueberry muffins ever" as often the recipes with "best" in the title turn out to be not even "kind of good blueberry muffins". I think the only way to do this is try a zillion recipes until you find one that is awesome. I don't have time for this.

Working is for chumps. I am quitting my job to make amazing things in my kitchen all day. I'm sure Terry won't mind taking on another 3 jobs to pay the mortgage.