Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oot and Aboot

Babies draw a lot of attention. I went to the movie store, the grocery store and Winners today and someone stopped me at least once in each store to talk to Lucas and ask questions about him. Weird. Most people are really nice, others....over the line. No touching please. And I'm running out of small talk to make with strangers and it's getting awkward.

I love people watching. Especially commenting in my head on what people are wearing. Most of the time the outfits I see/notice warrant only negative comments, but I saw some really nicely dressed girls at Winners today looking very pulled together. One girl had white bermuda shorts with a sheer-ish print blouse and was carrying an awesome green purse. The other girl had nice jeans with heels and a cool print shirt, also carrying a nice bag.

I on the other hand....looked like a complete scrub due to the fact that I had soccer last night, therefore went to bed with wet hair after my shower, which makes me look like Medusa in the morning. I could shower again and actually look presentable, but just for a trip to the grocery store and Winners? Waaaaay too much effort. Especially when I have to set Lucas in his exersaucer and entertain him the whole time I am getting ready. My fab outfit consisted of a tank top, Lulu shorts, flip-flops and a diaper bag. Uber-glamorous.

If I had nothing to do I would sit at random locations in Saskatoon, take pictures of people and their outfits with my phone, and post them on some website with comments. I'm pretty sure Andy would be the only one that would read them, as this used to be a favourite pasttime of ours in University. Sitting in the tunnel or Lower Place and describing what people were wearing as they walked past in a notebook, which was passed on to the other person to do the same. Good times.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


How great would it be to receive a huge windfall of money? Not only would you get to buy a bunch of cool stuff, you would never have to worry about spending too much money on groceries again. It is a well known fact that I hate budgeting of any kind, and I know that you would still have to have somewhat of a budget even if you had lots of money, but I have a feeling it would be a lot more fun.

I think about this way too much. pretty much every time I pull out my debit card. I hear that there is never enough money, no matter how much you make. The more you make the more you spend. I'm sure there comes a point though when you just have so much that you don't worry about it anymore, and that I will probably never reach that point so I should stop dreaming that I will!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cupcake obsessed

I have recently been bitten by the baking bug. More specifically, the cupcake bug. I honestly have been having trouble sleeping at night because I am thinking about what kind of cupcakes to make next. I am probably the coolest.

Today I went in search of more fun cupcake supplies. But I promised myself no more baking until I get my house looking less like a laundry hurricane tore through it. So who knows how long that will take, my cupcakes will have to wait.

Found some pretty cool stuff at the Wedding and Party Boutique, Michaels and Walmart. Walmart, as always, is so annoying. It was our last stop and by this time Lucas was getting really tired and grumpy, ready to go home and have another nap. Lucky me, I happen to get behind the most annoying man and his son in line. This guy is talking on his phone to his wife jibber-jabbering about how his son thinks Hannah Montana is prettier than her and blah blah blah.....GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND MOVE AHEAD IN LINE. My fuse was pretty short by this time due to Lucas' fussiness. This guy's son was tearing all over the place, almost ran right into my stroller. This kid told me Lucas was crying because he saw a balloon and wanted me to buy it for him. Don't think so little kid, but thanks for the tip. Tip #2 from little kid: Don't buy my baby Pokemon cards because they have nicotine in them. What?!?!? You're like do you even know what nicotine is and why would Pokemon cards have nicotine in them?

Oh also, this guy and his son were buying fake Crocs that they were WEARING out of the store, so they had to take them off of their (probably stinky) feet to get the cashier to scan them. Poor cashier. People are ridiculous.

How sad was MJ's memorial yesterday??? I thought it was going to be dumb and cheesy but it was actually really well done. His kids are really good looking. Andy tells me that they are not biologically his or that Debbie lady's. Just randoms. I actually cried at the end of the service. What a loser.

Wine Thursday tomorrow....danger. Wine Thursday is a soccer girl wedding tradition in which we go to Moxies the Thursday before the wedding (in this case, Jenine's) and have a nice classy evening. That's always the plan anyway, we'll see how it pans out. Could get out of control really fast.

Does anyone even read my blog? Just checking....