Terry and I keep saying how lucky we are to have such a healthy, happy baby. Why just yesterday I told Terry how glad I was that Lucas hasn't really been sick yet. I think I forgot to knock on wood because last night all that changed. Three baths, four pairs of pyjamas, a lot of tears (mine) and three sheet changes later and I think we might be through the woods.
Lucas had some salmon, rice and peas for supper, same as Terry and I, which he has had before but this time I guess it didn't agree with him. He went to bed fine as always and then I heard him stirring a bit before we went to bed. I peeked in his room to check on him before I went to sleep and found him on his belly, covered in puke. Gross!! Ahhhh!! So Terry and I stripped the bed, gave him a bath and changed his pyjamas. He seemed to be his normal, happy self through all of it....and kept looking at us like "What is the big deal? Why do I get to be up so late? This is fun!" Not fun Lucas.
And then he did that 3 more times before finally falling asleep. It was so so so hard to see him sick. He's so helpless and innocent and has no idea what's going on and all you want is for him to stop throwing up and feel better and have a good sleep. I was so upset seeing him like that. It's funny how you think you know how you will react to a certain situation and then when it actually happens your reaction is the complete opposite of what you thought. I am finding that especially true with Lucas, and that I am not nearly as tough as I think I am. A big wuss inside apparently. I know kids get sick, it's inevitable, it happens. I thought that when the time came and Lucas wasn't feeling well I would have been able to deal with it a lot better. Just wasn't the case last night. Just like his immunizations, I thought I was Ms. Tough Guy....nope....to borrow a nickname from one of my soccer friends, really I am "Little Miss Sissy Puss". Quote.
Thank goodness it was just something he ate (I think and hope) because he seems to be feeling good today, just super tired from wretching and being up all night I bet. Normal happy Lucas is the best kind. Proof is in the photo I took after his 3rd bath in 24 hours (this morning).
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