Things are starting to get a bit crazy around here. Soccer is really starting to take over my life right now. Provincials are coming up this weekend so our team is gearing up for that. We have to win provincials in order to compete in nationals which Saskatoon is hosting this Thanksgiving. We should win with no problem, but there is always that added stress/pressure just in case we don't.
My body is not what it used to be. I blame Lucas. I hurt in places that I never hurt before. But at the same time it is awesome playing really competitively again. I forgot how much I love it. I am playing an entirely new position so my head has to be on a swivel at every moment or else I will be in big trouble. Soccer soccer soccer. I think about the mistakes I make in our games before I go to bed. Consuming my brain right now.
Lucas just fell asleep for his morning nap on his own, no feeding or crying. Wahoo!!! I used to be really good about putting him down this way, but kind of got into a bad habit of always feeding him before he went to sleep. Which totally worked to put him to bed, but I was starting to worry that he was becoming dependent on it to sleep. Got to get back into good habits or else. Or else what you ask? Or else I might be up 3 times a night for the rest of eternity. Had one night like that this past week and that was enough.
Lucas is totally not interested in learning to crawl. He sees a toy out of his reach and then goes for something closer. Oh well, the less moving the less chance of him hurting himself. Soon enough he'll be motoring all over causing all kinds of trouble. Off to shower while Lucas is napping and hopefully blow dry my hair for the first time in about a week. What a treat to be able to get ready uninterrupted. Picture of Lucas watching Sesame Street.
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