I am starting to feel like a human being again, and not just a walking milk truck. Getting out of the house is definitely helping and I am really loving my exercise class at the field house. The trouble with exercise like this is that it's not a competition. At least it's not supposed to be!
To borrow some words from Heather Armstrong of dooce.com:
This is hard for me because I want to be the valedictorian of spin class. And valedictorians? They are not mature. They are masochistic and self-punishing and total right out dumbasses. I was on the bike right next to the real leader of spin class: a woman who has eight kids and still manages to do two spin classes back to back at least three times a week. And even in that second class everyone is looking at each other like, "Did that woman eat Superman sandwiches for breakfast?" Forget the back to back spin classes. She has eight kids. She wins right there.
For some insane reason I am trying to be valedictorian of my step class. I find myself looking around making sure that I am working harder than almost everyone else. I say almost because.....let's be serious for a minute......my baby is 7 weeks old and I am just not in any kind of shape at all to be trying to keep up with some of these women. But for some reason I have to make it into a competition. When my arms and legs just can't take anymore, I find comfort in the fact that almost everyone is taking a rest, so it's OK for me to take one too. Step class is not a race. There is no prize for "best stepper" or "most reps". I know it's dumb.
I blame soccer.
I think it's good to have a little healthy competition in your life. The "my baby did this faster than your baby" type of competition? NOT HEALTHY.....or very nice.
I can't begin to describe the positive impact of playing competitive sports has had on my life.
I think it is much easier or more natural for guys to become involved in sports when they are young. For whatever reason, whether it's playing sports isn't cool, or girls are more afraid of getting out of their comfort zone and looking stupid for trying, it just is not the same with girls. I am so thankful for all that sport has given me. That I have made life-long friends with my teammates. That I will always be physically active in some capacity because it has been instilled in me from years of training that it feels much better to be fit. And of course I met my husband by playing soccer!!! I would not be the same person without this important aspect of my life, and that is where my need to compete comes from.
If for some reason neither one of my boys is interested in sports I will be incredibly sad. I will begrudgingly accept it, but I will still be sad! Watching them play sports (hopefully soccer) is one of the experiences I am most looking forward to as my kids get older. I know everything that sport has given me, and I wish it for them as well. I think that is really what every parent wants. The happiness and joy they experienced in their childhood for their own kids, only more of it.