Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bedtime Stories

Bedtime is my favourite time.

And not because I finally get my kids out of my hair and have some time to myself. Ok well maybe it is about that just a little bit.....but mostly because I love actually putting them to bed. I love love love seeing my littlest Eli drift off to sleep in my arms, and cuddling him for a few extra minutes just to make sure he's asleep. There is really nothing more beautiful than a sleeping baby. I don't give two hoots if I am spoiling him and run the risk of him not being able to fall asleep on his own down the road. He is only this little once, and I am going to rock him and feed him to sleep as much as I damn well like!

And Lucas....is so much fun. Reading bedtime stories to him is one of my greatest joys. Some of the books we read are ones that my Mom and Dad read to me when I was little and they are still just as good. Our faves right now:
The Monster at the End of This Book - featuring lovable, furry old Grover. An old fave.

Little Owl Lost - by Chris Haughton. A new purchase, and so good!

Llama Llama Misses Mama - by Anna Dewdney (a gift from Auntie Amy!)

But No Elephants - by Jerry Smath. Another old fave.

Put Me In The Zoo - by Robert Lopshire

Richard Scarry's Best Mother Goose Ever. This book is so worn out from being read to me and my sister and brothers over and over and over.

However, Richard Scarry's Mother Goose has some questionable nursery rhymes. For example:

When I was a bachelor I lived by myself,
And all the bread and cheese I got I laid up on the shelf;
The rats and the mice, they made such a strife,
I had to go to London to buy me a wife.

The streets were so bad and the lanes were so narrow,
I was forced to bring my wife home in a wheelbarrow.
The wheelbarrow broke and my wife had a fall,
Down came wheelbarrow, little wife and all.

Buy me a wife?? Little wife and all?? Hmmmmm. We just skip those ones.

Another favourite of mine from when I was little is "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". I picked that one off the bookshelf the other night to read it to Lucas and I didn't remember that there were guns and knives and bad guys in that story. Guns in a kid's book???? My how times have changed.

Lucas was kicking me as I was putting his pyjamas on tonight, and I threatened him with no bedtime stories if he kicked me again....then realized I would be disappointed if I didn't get to read him any stories. Thankfully it worked and we both went to bed happy.

What are your favourite kids books that Lucas and I should add to our repertoire?


  1. I think we're living the same life :) I rock Otis to sleep every night and wonder what I'm doing to him in the long run. Then I see that sweet face and don't care anyway! And we have that battle every night of "you do this one more time and no stories." Ingrid must love them as much as I do, she usually settles down at that.

    Our faves are The Milkman Carol Foskett Cordsen and A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni.

  2. Haha I agree....we are living the same life. I just headed over to your blogs and so much of what you say completely resonates with me! I feel like my second one is waaay more attached to me than I ever remember my first being.

    Thanks for the comment and the book suggestions. We will be sure to check those out!!!
