Thursday, July 7, 2011

Misson Impossible: Leaving the house

Our daycare is closed this week, so on the days I was at work, Terry was home with the boys. It was heaven. Grabbing my bag and walking out the door by myself those two mornings was wonderful. No daycare bag, no carseat, no kids. I listened to my own music in the car, and not Baby Beluga for the millionth time.

I think maybe those two days got me off my A-game because leaving the house this morning to go to the spray park was a complete and total disaster. Every day I am at home I try to sit down and read the paper while I eat breakfast. I am only successful maybe 1 out of every 10-15 times. This morning there was a milk accident and a still-tired grouchy baby so it was grabbing bites in between cleaning up and trying to get Lucas to eat his breakfast, which is more the usual.

Then the marathon to get out the door began. Frantically running from room to room trying to grab our swim gear. Dressing the boys in their matching summer outfits from their Grandma. Packing up sunscreen, bugspray, snacks, towels, hats, changes of clothes, diapers, etc and knowing that I am definitely forgetting something. Convincing Lucas that his Boppy (blanket) needs to stay at home. Terry calling as we are just about to lock the door. And all the while trying to juggle an extremely squirmy, active baby. By the time we are out the door, I am frazzled and frustrated. Need. Coffee. Now.

Once we were on the road it was smoooooooth sailing. As we were waiting in the drive-thru line for coffee, I spotted a girl probably in her early-ish twenties walk out of Tim Hortons with her iced coffee, happily chatting on her phone as she was getting into her cute little car. Perfectly styled hair, cute summer outfit and all. Probably off to meet her friends for a day of shopping or a casual summer walk by the river (totally making this all up in my head).


Not going to lie.......I felt a twinge of jealousy that she seemed so carefree and independent. Those days are over for me, at least for a while. But I wouldn't trade her places. Not for a second. I know there will come a time when my kids are older when I will be able to leave the house alone again. And when that day comes, I will long for the days of listening to endless Baby Beluga in the van, and hearing Lucas beg to take his Boppy along for the ride.

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